Tickets management
A look into a ticket's creation, acceptance criteria and life cycle. It is advised to utilize a template for creation, dev complete comment and qa comment/acceptance
Template for a bug report
### Title: general summary
### Expected result
what should've happened
including any screenshots and recordings
include technical data, console logs and network data to help investigating
include test data if relevant
### Actual result
what happens instead of the expected behavior.
### Scenario/Steps to reporduce the bug
1. ...
2. ...
### Impact and context
How has this issue affected you? What are you trying to accomplish?
Providing context helps us come up with a solution that
is most useful in the real world Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above.
### Enviroment
env info, browser, os, app version, reproducability rate, ...
Other fields to have:
### Reported by: <reporter name>
### Assignee
### Severity/Priority:
Critical, High, -> anything that impacts the normal user flow or blocks app usage
Medium, Normal, -> anything that negatively affects the user experience
Minor -> everything else (typos, missing icons, layout issues, etc.)
### Due date
Template for a task
### desired behavior/summary:
As [the actor], I want [the something] so I can [the goal].
### Acceptance criteria
It’s done when, ...
### Requirement documents
Design or API docs
### Possible Solution
Not obligatory, but suggest a approach.
### Possible Implementation
Not obligatory, but suggest an idea for implementing addition or change.
Link to page and / or story.
other fields
### Priority
### Assignee
### Due date
Template for feature requests and user stories
### desired behavior/description:
As [the actor],
I want [do something]
so that I can [achieve the goal].
### Acceptance criteria/definition of done:
Given that [some context],
when [some action is carried out]
then [a set of observable outcomes should occur].
other fields
### Size
### Assignee
### Due date
### Severity/Desirability
Critical, High, -> anything that impacts the normal user flow or blocks app usage
Medium, Normal, -> anything that negatively affects the user experience
Minor -> everything else (typos, missing icons, layout issues, etc.)
Ticket life cycle
Backlog(Created) -> Todo -> Doing -> Pending review -> Reviewed ->
Deployed -> Tested -> Approved