Coding Style Guide.

Because crafting software is more than translating business needs into code.



Deadlines are real, and getting things done is the goal, but rushing to go faster, ironically, ends up making us go slower, with more bugs, and the difficulty of finding a needle in a haystack. So getting work done ends up taking longer than if we wrote clean code to begin with.

The only way to make the deadline—the only way to go fast—is to keep the code as clean as possible at all times.

Robert Martin

Because we spend the majority of our time reading code, ours and others, it is mandatory to set guidelines for how it should be written and managed, following is a list of style guides to help you craft readable, maintainable and solid code, that will read like written prose and help your colleges and yourself staying productive throughout your journey of creating world class software.

The ratio of time spent reading vs. writing is well over 10:1.

Robert Martin

So, with the principle of writing clean code, to serve the higher purpose of increasing developer productivity throughout code readability, consistency and reusability, in mind. Let’s dig in.


Rules for crafting software units that read like well writen prose.

API Design

Learn how to design and build APIs that your team will love.


Rulesets for solving software problems in a consistante way.


Learn to stay on top of bugs, by implementing many types of testing.